Are You Eligible to Make a Claim for Head or Brain Injury?

 Brain injuries can be traumatic. It is little talked about but even seemingly minor head injuries can damage parts of the brain and cause issues. There are many stories of where someone has sustained a brain injury, either due to accident or a criminal act, and his or her personality had been much changed due to the injury.

Are You Recovering From a Brain Injury?

Recovering from any type of serious injury is difficult but a brain injury can seriously affect one’s ability to do the things that he or she used to, his or her mobility, his or her speech, his or her ability to concentrate, his or her social interactions, and even his or her personality. These are the unseen effects of many brain injuries but the good news is that a specialist brain injury lawyer in Kent may be able to help in cases in which the injury was not the fault of the victim.

Here are just some of the ways in which a person can be affected by such a serious injury:

  • The Workplace: Many jobs are dangerous if the right health and safety procedures are not followed. In many cases, a person can be injured while at work due to the risky and reckless behaviour of others around him or her.
  • Medical: There may be times when a person undergoes treatment or surgery that results in a brain injury. It may even be that an existing condition was made worse due to medical malpractice or negligence.
  • Criminal Act: Many people every year sustain bodily injuries as a result of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Just imagine waking up to find a burglar in one’s home and being struck by the intruder. In some cases, this produces a brain injury that requires extensive medical treatment and ongoing therapy.

How Can a Lawyer Help?

The fact is that many head and brain injuries are sustained in a manner that was not the fault of the person who was injured. Is it right that someone who has sustained a serious head injury should continue to pay for therapy, medical treatments, and other costs out of his or her own pocket when it was not his or her fault in the first place?

An experienced personal injury lawyer specialises in cases where a person was injured in a way that was not his or her fault at all or largely not his or her fault. In successful cases, the damages won can help to assuage ongoing medical costs and therapies for the injured party and can help him or her to get his or her life back on track. In fact, in many cases, a successful personal injury claim can even help a victim to move on with his or her life and begin anew.