According to a report published by Xinhua News Agency in March 2019, Chinese insurers saw their combined premium income grow at a double-digit rate in January, latest official data showed. Premium income totaled 850 billion yuan (about 126.4 billion US dollars) in January, up 24 percent year on year, according to data from the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission. That was in sharp contrast with a near 20-percent year-on-year slump in the same period of 2018.
Premium income from health insurance business surged 49.8 percent in January, while that from property and life insurance business increased 13.9 percent and 23.5 percent, respectively. The rise came after authorities tightened regulations last year to fend off financial risks in the world’s second-biggest insurance market. The sector has shown a stronger capacity to forestall risks as its overall leverage has gradually dropped and business structure improved, the regulator said in December.
Compared to fast growth in China, in US Income Inequality Continues to Rise: Human Rights Report, the income inequality resulted low-income populations in lack of health insurance in the U.S. (aka 美国医保) and the number of homeless people staying high. In the meantime, the drug overdose deaths and suicides continued to rise. Most private (non-government) health coverage in the US is employment-based. Nearly all large employers in America offer group health insurance to their employees. The typical large-employer PPO plan is typically more generous than either Medicare or the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program Standard Option.
International students who are given offers to work in the United States need to purchase OPT insurance (aka opt保险). Note one important thing: the insurance for OPT period (aka opt期间保险) differs from the university insurance in the U.S. (aka 美国大学保险) although your visa status is same. After they have their H-1B visa, buying a H-1B health insurance is of necessity. The institutions they work for usually have partnership with a health insurance company. Incoming international employees can refer to the recommended OPT insurance (aka opt保险推荐) and/or the recommended H-1B health insurance (aka h1b保险推荐).