Why is Heat Not Burn Preferable to Smoking Cigarettes?

Choosing to put down the cigarettes and switch to a healthier, more affordable habit is a big decision, but certainly not one you will regret.

While smoking and vapingshare a lot of similarities, some heavier or more dedicated smokers may still find it difficult to swap over to the healthier option – a vape pen.

However, it is important not to let this stop you from changing your life for the better. There are different products available which can make this switch a little easier, and allow you to slowly wean yourself off smoking for good.

If you are finding it difficult to make the change, read on to find out how an electronic tobacco vaporiser could help you.

What is Heat Not Burn?

Heat Not Burn,products or heated tobacco products, only heat tobacco.

Heat not burn a product allow you to still inhale a small amount of tobacco, with fewer consequences to your health, and means you can begin the quitting process at a pace that suits you.

The process of heating the loose-leaf tobacco produces a vapour containing nicotine. As the tobacco does not burn, the levels of harmful chemicals are significantly reduced compared to cigarette smoke.

The lower the temperature at which tobacco heats, the fewer harmful chemicals are released, therefore heating, rather than burning the tobacco, is a healthier method of inhaling tobacco smoke.

How can it help?

An Electronic Tobacco Vaporizer offers an experience very much like smoking traditional cigarettes, but with far fewer harmful side effects.

The use of loose-leaf tobacco rather than e-liquid gives you a comparable nicotine intake to smoking, but without other harmful chemicals included.

This could help to reduce the withdrawal symptoms of smoking, making the experience a little easier and improving your chances of success.

It also allows you to vape loose-leaf tobacco, which, for some people, can be preferable to e-liquids. This is true if you are part of the small percentage of people who find that the colourless and odourless PG (propylene glycol) liquidirritates your throat, or you are allergic to these liquids.

Flavour difference

If you don’t enjoy the flavour of tobacco e-liquid, or think it doesn’t replicate the taste of loose leaf tobacco well, this could hinder the experience of vaping for you.

A lack of enjoyment of the experience will make quitting more difficult and heighten the chance that you may end up returning to normal cigarettes.

Vaping real tobacco can help overcome this issue, as it will give you the flavour of real tobacco rather than a synthetic flavour. This could increase your enjoyment of using a tobacco vaporizer and help you to stick to your plan to quit.

Health implications

According to recent research, heat not burn cigarettes are far less harmful than traditional cigarettes as the vapour contains between 50% and 90% fewer toxins.

Public Health England’s 2015 review concluded that e-cigarettes were in fact, 95% safer than smoking.

If you are trying to quit smoking and have so far been unsuccessful, consider buying a vape pen or a good quality heat not burn vaporizer and benefit from a healthier alternative.

As you can see, heat not burn products can make a huge difference in your life and help you to achieve your goals as well as improve your health and happiness.