3 Eating Habits Every Kid Should Have

There is no doubt that good nutrition is vital for our overall health and well-being. What we eat has a direct impact on our physical and mental health. For children, good nutrition is vital because it helps them grow and develop properly.

Unfortunately, many kids nowadays have poor eating habits. They consume too much sugar, processed food, and unhealthy snacks. It can lead to many problems, such as obesity, type II diabetes, and high cholesterol.

It’s important to teach kids about healthy eating from a young age. Here are three good eating habits for kids:

Table manners

Setting a good example of table manners is a great way to start teaching your kids the importance of proper mealtime etiquette. From the age of 2 or 3, you can start teaching kids the basics: no talking with food in their mouths, chewing with our mouths closed, keeping elbows off the table, and so on. You should also demonstrate the correct way to use utensils, have mealtime conversations, and tell how to pass or serve food. It is also an opportunity to teach your kids to be grateful for their food and be aware of food wastage. Parents should also be aware of their table manners and try to set a good example for their kids. Show your kids that mealtimes are a chance for family conversations, fun, and most importantly, good food!

Healthy eating habits

Good nutrition does more than protecting your child from disease and infection. Eating healthy food for kids is essential for growing children as it helps them develop mental and physical strength. Encourage your child to adopt healthy eating habits from a young age. It means encouraging them to eat more fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and low-fat dairy products. Start with smaller amounts and let your kids gradually increase the quantity. You could also keep meals fun and interesting by bringing in a variety of colors, tastes, and even shapes. When snacks are in order, opt for healthy snacks like nuts, fruits, and vegetables rather than letting your child indulge in sugary snacks and processed foods.

Portion size

It’s important to teach your kids to pay attention to portion sizes when eating. Eating too much food at once can lead to overeating and weight gain. You can start by teaching your kids to measure the appropriate portion size of each food they eat. For example, proteins, grains, and starches should be around the size of a baseball, while vegetables and fruits should be twice the size. Help your kids to become aware of how much food they should be eating and help them to practice self-control when it comes to food portions. Provide your kids with healthy snacks throughout the day.


Good nutrition is essential for kids, as it helps them grow and develop. Teaching your kids healthy eating habits from a young age is the best way to ensure they adopt good eating habits as adults. Encourage them to practice proper table manners, eat healthy foods, and pay attention to portion size.